An kind of serendipity occurred this week. My deadline got pushed back by a few days. And I felt bad celebrating. You see, Early Grave is almost ready to go to the editor, so when she told me she might have to delay getting the edits for Blink of an I to me today, I was happy dancing. Because if the edits had come in today, I would've felt bad putting them off until I was done with EG. But if I worked on them and not EG, I would've felt bad because I know me and I know it's hard to get back into a project after I set it down to work on something else.
Yeah, it gives me a headache, too.
No worries, though. She'll get the edits to me by Monday and I'll have EG ready for her by Monday. Win win. And I have space built into the schedule, so Blink won't actually be delayed. Then again, I never did quite give y'all a firm date for Blink. Sometime in February is a large enough target I'll have a hard time missing it.
So, here's how it'll go. She'll get me Blink on Monday (or I'll start working on it Monday if she gets it to me sooner). Two weeks for me to input all her edits and to read-through one last time. One week for formatting. That should put Blink of an I available for upload the week of the 19st... say the 20th or the 21st. Barring any major snafus or the Apocalypse, that is.
AND, having just worked stuff out in my datebook, if all goes according to plan, Early Grave could be out late April/early May instead of May or June. Still doesn't make Sleeping Ugly come out any sooner, though. I'm still looking at an August release for that. I won't get a chance to start beating the stuffings out of that first draft until sometime in March. And my editor usually takes a vacay sometime in there. And spring fishing. And... Well, you get the gist.
So, here's how the 2018 production schedule is looking right now:
Blink of an I - February 21st (at the latest)
Early Grave - Late April / EarlyMay
Sleeping Ugly - August
DH3 or Unequal - November
DH3 hasn't actually been written yet, so I would need to cobble out about 6 weeks to do that. If I get it done, then it'll be the one that goes live in November. If not, then Unequal goes. And if DH3 is the winner, Unequal will be published in 2019. Beyond that, I have no clue.
Whew. I'm tired just thinking about all that. Is it too early for naptime?
Good to have a plan. Mine keeps shifting. I really need to start carving some stuff in stone because I work better with the deadline scimitar hanging over my head. Can't wait for these books! Building them into my book budget. :)