Friday, February 26, 2016

Cover Reveal - In Deep Wish

Ack.  I forgot it was Friday until just now.  As promised, here's the cover for my upcoming release:

The conspiracy to ruin Jo Mayweather’s life is growing like blue fuzz on last month’s leftovers. But they’ve messed with the wrong genie this time. Jo will do whatever it takes to blow their plans apart before they achieve their ultimate goal—her death and the total enslavement of djinn-kind. 

I'll post linkie-lous and stuff as I get closer to the release date of March 15th.  


  1. Love this cover and Jo and Mary! looks St. Patrick-ish, releasing just before St. Paddy's! I know you didn't plan it that way, but maybe it will get the book noticed even more! Loved this story, even as I was hissing Zeke. *boos...hisses* ;)

  2. Love, love, LOVE this cover! I can't wait to read In Deep Wish!

  3. That's a smashing cover! Bright, colourful and eye-catching. If that doesn't pull in the readers, nothing will.
