Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Just Get Up and Write The Damn Thing

Now I lay me down to sleep
When into my head the stories creep
If I don't get up and write them down
I'll wake up with a serious frown.

So, there I was Sunday night, trying to sleep, when this scene popped into my head.  The beginning scene for a new mystery laid itself out beautifully.  So I made myself get up and write some of it down.  That usually makes the scene stop playing so I can get some sleep, and it's also usually enough to get me going on writing the next day.

1)  It didn't stop playing in my head.
2)  I didn't write enough of it down to really get back in the groove with it.

I told myself I should just get up, turn the damn computer back on, and write the whole damn scene.  Did I?  Nope.  And the next day, as I was sitting at my keyboard looking at the few notes I had written, I cursed myself for a fool.  It's been so hard to write these past few months I should've recognized the story was more precious than the sleep.  But I didn't.

Still, I sat my ass down and wrote.  Oh my god, what came out was so lame.  Definitely not the glowing words I'd thought of the night before.  I wanted to chuck it all in the trash and go back to sitting on my ass.  But I couldn't just give up.  The story was shrieking to be written.  I tried again last night.  Whole new file, blank page, sit your ass down and write.

This try was not lame.  And it flowed pretty much the way it had when I thought of it the night before.  1300 words.  Woohoo.

I have only a slight clue where I'm going with this.  I don't know the MC in the slightest.  It doesn't dovetail with any of my current stories.  The MC is a whole new person.  It's kind of noir.  It's gritty.  More like Accidental Death than anything else I've written.  But more so.

We'll see if I can keep it going and not second guess myself (which has already begun by the way) and write the whole damn thing.  It's not the book I need to finish right now, but it's the book I need to finish.  Maybe writing this will jumpstart my lead ass so I can finish Cinder Ugly.  Fingers crossed.


  1. WooHOO! Take inspiration any way it comes. I've rolled over and jotted words in a notebook only to be unable to decipher my handwriting the next morning. I've also given up and just gone to the computer to write. Whatever works to get the words flowing and Yay for a new character. You know me. I'm all about the dark and gritty noir.

    I'm making headspace progress with my two new "boys." I think I have a glimmer of their heroines and boy! Talk about opposites attract. LOLOL

    No writing today, at least until later. Gotta help do more moving this morning and I should go to Wallyworld but I'll probably put off until tomorrow. We're not out of anything absolutely necessary, ie. coffee, dog/cat food, soy milk and bread.

    🤞 this idea and character catches fire in your imagination and the words blaze (or slow-cook--either works!) across the page.

  2. Hooray for a scene with so much power it haunted you! Don't second guess, it always looks better after a week or two.

    (Hmm. That doesn't make much sense. I hope you understand what I'm trying to say. I think it's time I crept off to bed.)
