Wednesday, February 28, 2018

A Few Things

1)  I had my dates wrong for getting Early Grave back from the editor.  She said the 28th.  I had it written in my date book as the 26th, I assume because I had originally planned to have it to her on the 26th of January and so the return would be one month later.  Derp.  Anyway, we're still all on track for a late April / early May release.  It all depends on how much work there is to be done and whether life intervenes.  :fingers crossed:

2)  I posted a little snip of Sleeping Ugly over at Silver James' blog this morning.  (Edited to add: In the comment section.)  And reading it this morning reminds me that I still love it.  Look for it to be published by the end of summer, good lord willin' and the crick don't rise.

3)  If you don't remember, Sleeping Ugly is about a supermodel who gets cursed so she becomes ugly when she sleeps and then gets prettier throughout the day until she looks like herself right about the time she's ready to go to sleep again.  Oh, and there's a dude who got the curse, too, only he's normal throughout the day and ugly at night.  So they're working together to figure our who cursed them and fix this crap.  Then the cops show up to question her about the murder of her estranged brother...  It's weird and wild and fun.

4) But first, Early Grave.  Agent Ned Washington of the SCIU has been sent to Toledo to figure out if they have a serial killer who's murdering old people in nursing homes and then catch the heinous bitch.  If you read Fertile Ground, you might remember Ned from the scene when Teri first gets to the Detroit office.  If you've read either of the SCIU novels, you'll remember Lynn - the tech gal.  She plays an important role in this book.

That's about it for me this morning.  If I think of anything else, I'll let you know. 


  1. All good things to know and I loved the snippet! Thanks for posting it. Looking forward to UGLY.

    I DNF'd two book this week and it's only Wednesday. I feel bad--sort of--buy if the book isn't holding my interest, why the heck should I force myself to read. I couldn't connect with the characters in one and found the glut of typos disconcerting (I know the author pretty well on a face-to-face basis). The other one was from the mid-90's from an author who I've enjoyed in the past but haven't read in several years. I found the heroine so annoying that even the hero and his cohorts couldn't keep me listening. Ah well. Still basically in a reading slump.

    I've lost the hardback copy of a book in a series that I want to keep in hardback. I can't remember if I loaned it to someone or if I put it down somewhere in my office and it got buried. If I haven't found it by the time I finish with office de-cluttering, I'll have to replace it. :(

    I'm within a few K words of finishing the current WIP. I need to clean house (LG gets home late tonight), hit the grocery store, and work. Not necessarily in that order. LOL

    Oh, and looking forward to EARLY GRAVE too. And now I should probably do something...but first, more coffee.

  2. Umm, whatever is on Silver's blog, it's not SU. Unless SU is R rated.

    But I'm looking forward to reading Sleeping Ugly anyway. :-)
    And Early Grave, too!

    Couldn't fit this into my Blink review without a spoiler, but... GRANDFATHER! Love how you handled it!

    1. I meant to say I put a snip in the comments. Sorry about that.

      Sleeping Ugly is about the same rating as my other books, I think. Maybe a little more swearing. We'll see what stays in edits.

      OMG, Deb, THANK YOU!
